Thursday, October 10, 2013

A is for Apple!

This week has been all about APPLES! We have focused on the letter A, practicing the sound it makes and finding it around our classroom. The vowels are often the trickiest yet most important letter sounds to learn so we will be working hard on the vowel sounds all year.

Thank you to all of our parents for sending in apples so we could have a week full of predicting, observing and recording. We observed the colors, sizes, smells, and even tastes of the apples. We made predictions about what was inside the apples and found that even though they were all different on the outside, they all looked the same on the inside! From there we were thrilled to discover that the same is true for people! It was fun comparing our hair color, eye color, skin color, heights, hand and foot sizes and realizing that even though we are so different on the outside, we all have brains, hearts, bones, etc. on the inside. What an exciting discovery!

Our baskets of apples gave us the opportunity to sort, count, and graph the different colors of apples we had. With our graphs we could easily see which color we had the most of (red) and the least (green). Pictures make everything easier to see! We continue to practice writing and ordering our numbers and filling ten frames.

We can't wait for our Farm Trip next Friday! Remember to wear clothes that can get muddy and tough shoes - boots or sneakers are a great option! If your daughter stays at school after the field trip please send her lunch as normal. We will see you in the classroom by 8:15 on Friday morning!