Thursday, February 27, 2014

100 Days of Wonderful Work, Play, Friends an Fun! Thank you for sharingyour amazing girls with us for 100 days!

Celebrating our 100th day brought a week of exciting math activities.
                        Finding 100 daisies around the room.

    Organizing, counting by sets of ten!  Such excitement sharing our 100 items with friends.

                 10 stickers on ten sticks makes 100 stickers on our 100th day !

        How many sticks do you need to make a number ?

       We are all stars!  Painting  100 dots in sets of 10.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Art: Mapmaking

In order for others to explore and experience their islands, the girls made maps and labeled the special features.  The maps show how to move around the island: where to go and where not to go!  They did an image search of maps on their iPads to see the different ways others show information about a place using line, pattern, color, texture, symbols, and space.  The discussions during mapmaking included everything from scanners to make sure you are friendly to bridges made of rainbows to get you from point A to point B.  The girls named their islands and they will be on display next month in the administration building.  

Thursday, February 20, 2014

French: Family Members

The girls have been learning how to talk about their families in French.  Today they drew pictures of their families and used their iPads to add audio of themselves naming each family member.  Here are two examples.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Technology: Draw and Tell

This week, the girls started working with a fabulous new app called Draw and Tell. The app encourages imagination and story telling. The girls create pictures and then narrate their drawings. The app also allows them to move elements of their picture while they record themselves speaking, enhancing their original drawing.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Teen Numbers

Although the snow and ice have taken some of our time together this week, we are zooming right on ahead and continue to practice our teen numbers. The girls have loved learning a few YouTube songs which have helped them remember that, "numbers in the teens, they start with a one!" and "numbers in the teens have a group of ten!". We have been writing the numbers, making them on our ten frames (we now need two!), and playing games to help with automaticity. Learning about teen numbers has sparked a beginning understanding of place value, which will come in handy as we start working with the hundred chart and we work our way toward the 100th day of school. Ask your daughter to sing along with the songs below!