Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Language Arts

Mrs. McMahon's girls worked in various literature centers during reader's workshop.  The girls could choose between building popcorn words, making words using word families, matching "un" words with pictures, short vowel puzzles, and reading in our library.

Mrs. Martin's class used their language arts time to do some creative writing.  The girls used the spring photographs they took with their iPads and turned them into illustrations in their storybooks.  Afterwards, the girls wrote sentences describing their pictures.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Letter Writing

We re-visited letter writing with the girls this morning.  We read Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type and talked about the different parts of a friendly letter.  Then the girls returned to their seats to write a letter to their parents about where they would like to take you tomorrow when you come and visit.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Hotel Bruce and Daffodils

The girls have been talking a lot about how many stories have problems and solutions.  Mrs. McMahon's girls listened to Hotel Bruce then partnered up with their special friend and illustrated and wrote a sentence about the problem and solution in the story. 

Mrs. Martin's class took a nature walk and discovered that many of the daffodils they found on earlier walks have started to bloom!  Tomorrow they will use their photographs for inspiration for a creative writing assignment.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Time and Game Palettes

Mrs. Martin's class began our new math unit on time.  The girls pretended they were clocks and had to move their "hands" along with a song.

Mrs. McMahon's class learned how to use our game palettes.  The girls got together with their special friends and played various math games.

Thursday, March 22, 2018


The girls started mod podging their continents onto their globes this afternoon.  They are incredibly excited to take them home!

Friday, March 9, 2018

Greek Myth Play

The third grade Greek Myth Play was today.  The girls LOVED watching their reading buddies up on the big stage.  When we came back, the girls wrote about their favorite part in their storybook.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

World Language Week

In honor of World Language Week, we visited the Middle School and had several sixth graders share their love of Spanish with our girls.  The sixth graders read several famous children's books--each translated from English to Spanish--to your daughters.  Be sure to ask your daughter which book was her favorite!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Snow Math and Continents

We embraced our March snowstorm today by having the girls solve addition and subtraction problems using mugs of hot cocoa and marshmallows.

During social studies, the girls cut out the different continents and had to find it's matching shape on a blank map. 

Monday, March 5, 2018

Painting Our Oceans

Today we reviewed the continents with the kindergarteners and the girls painted their globes.  We apologize if it looks like your daughters got into a scuffle with a Smurf.  They are loving this project!

Friday, March 2, 2018

Art: Clay Islands

Kindergarteners have been designing and building their own islands out of clay. They examined images of islands and found out that usually they are an organic shape, then drew their own island shape into a clay slab. They added features from the categories: something that stands up, something that holds water, something bumpy, and something smooth.

During their routine studio clean-up they also serenaded with an impromptu rendition of "It's a Hard Knock Life" from Annie!

Papier Mâché Globes

The girls are loving our social studies unit on our globe.  Yesterday, they were introduced to the Google Earth app on their iPads and were so excited to find The Bryn Mawr School!  Today was step one of a fun learning project; the girls will be making their own globes!  We papier mâchéd our balloons this morning and next week we will paint them blue to represent the oceans.