Thursday, May 31, 2018

Spanish: Churros

The girls had a blast today making Churros with chocolate.  Here is the recipe if you would like to try it at home.

Special Science Guest

Today we had a special science teacher!  Many thanks to Brent Hilpert for coming in and teaching our girls about different states of matter.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Poems and Bubble Wand Challenge

Last week, the girls wrote poems with friends from the other kindergarten class.  We turned these poems into a book which will be sent home in their Thursday folders.  Be on the lookout!

Mrs. McMahon's class participated in a Bubble Wand STEM Challenge.  They had to design three different bubble wands with their partner, then predict and test the wands to see which made the biggest bubble.  Be sure to ask your daughter which wand won.  Mrs. Martin's girls will do the challenge later on this week. Stay tuned for their results!

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Spanish: Visit from Upper School Spanish class

Hola.  Today the Upper School Spanish 1 class came down to visit the Kindergarten and Pre-first girls.  The big girls brought books in Spanish that they had written and read them to the little girls.  Then the little girls showed the big girls a book we read in class earlier this week.  Each girl is bringing a copy of this book home today.  Here is a recording if your daughter would like to listen to the story as she looks through the book.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Catching Up with Kindergarten

We have been so busy in our classroom this past week, that we thought we needed to catch everyone up! Be sure to ask your daughters for more information about our activities.

Mrs. Martin's class has been reading a poem called, "What Animals Say".  They have found rhyming words, illustrated different parts, and even acted it out.

Mrs. McMahon's class was introduced to inferencing and used clues to make an educated guess of what was in our Mystery Box.  Ask your daughter what was in it!

They were introduced to the "sh" digraph.  We have sorted pictures and started a class poster full of "sh" words.  The girls also listened to Old Shell, New Shell, where they had to signal when they heard a "sh" digraph and then made inferences about how the main character felt.

Lastly, both classes have been working on many different language arts projects: Mrs. Martin's class has been working with verbs and adjectives, Mrs. McMahon's class was working on their reading strategies, and both classes have been LOVING our final read aloud, Charlotte's Web.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Spanish: Songs

The girls have had lots of fun learning Spanish songs this year.  Some of the girls asked if I could put links to some of the songs up on the blog so that they watch them at home so here they are.  

Billy la Bufanda story:
Billy la Bufanda song:
Somos como las flores:
A Mi Burro:
Salta Salta:

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Top Secret Gift and Shadows

The kindergarten girls are working on a top secret gift for someone special....can you use the following clues to guess who?

Mrs. McMahon's girls went outside today to have some fun with our shadows.  Ask your daughter, "if they are facing the sun, their shadow is _________."

Monday, May 7, 2018

K-2 Spring Concert

Language Arts

Mrs. McMahon's class wrote in their storybooks about their weekends--most of the girls shared about their experiences at the Bazaar and Gym Drill.  

Mrs. Martin's class read The Cherry Tree poem in our song and poetry book. Afterwards, they went on a walk to fully experience the "shower" of cherry tree blossoms.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Building Shelter

After reading Iggy Peck Architect, each students designed then built a shelter for the island they created in Art class.  The shelter had to protect someone from the elements.  Students used recycled materials various types of tape.

Monday, April 30, 2018

Language Arts and Our Kindergarten Store

Mrs. McMahon's class read Mrs. Wishy-Washy and acted the story out. Afterwards, they made predictions as to what would happen if the author wrote one more page. The girls had such great ideas that they decided to add two more pages.

Mrs. Martin's girls took time to write abut their favorite parts of spring in their storybooks.

In math, the girls finally got to shop in the store they created!  Be sure to ask your daughter what she purchased.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Kindergarten Store

The kindergarten girls created their own grocery store today.  We divided the girls into two groups and each group created a sign for the store.  Then the girls were partnered up, chose five items from our collection, and determined a price for each item.  Next week, the girls will start shopping!

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Popcorn Words and Shadows

The kindergarten girls worked on their popcorn words this morning.

During science, they learned a riddle about our new science unit.  Have your daughter read the riddle to you tonight and see if you can solve it!

The girls are having so much fun learning all about shadows!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Spirit Animals

During Morning Meeting, the girls shared which animal they would be and why.  They came up with such creative answers that we decided to make a language arts lesson out of it!  The girls watched short videos of their animals and acted them out. Then they created their animals using Model Magic and painted their finished product.  Afterwards, the girls wrote complete sentences about their animals.  

Mrs. Martin's class started learning about shadows today.  Be sure to ask your daughter what shadow puppet she made!

Operation Save the Worms took place during Mrs. McMahon's lunch recess.  The girls made sure that all the worms they found were placed back into their natural habitat.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Making Lists and Cherry Trees

During Writer's Workshop, the girls learned how to make a list.  First, we brainstormed all of the different lists they have heard of and then we made our own grocery list.

Afterwards, the girls made a list of their favorite things about spring and shared their list with a partner.

Mrs. Martin's class worked on their Weeping Cherry Tree paintings.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Earth Day and Spring Picnic

This morning, the girls glued their coffee filter Earths into their Song and Poetry Books and worked on their word tracking by locating and highlighting several different words.

We celebrated this beautiful spring day by having a special lunch picnic.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Earth Day

With Earth Day approaching, the girls learned a new song from our Song and Poetry Book about our world.  Then they watercolored coffee filters which they will use as part of their illustrations to the new song.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Art: Edges and Connecting Lines

Kindergarteners are waiting for their ceramic islands to come out of the kiln so they can draw maps. Meanwhile, they are using some everyday office supplies (tape, sticky notes, binder reinforcement stickers, highlighters) mixed with paint and sharpie to create abstract paintings exploring edges and connecting lines. They had the additional challenge of choosing part of their painting where the white paper could still shine through.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Dissecting Tulips

The kindergarteners put on their scientist/botanist hats this week.  The girls have been learning all about spring flowers: their characteristics (petals, stems, etc), similarities, and differences.  They were extremely excited to let their green thumbs shine as they got the chance to dissect a tulip and recorded their findings on their iPads.  Be sure to ask your daughters what they discovered!