Friday, September 29, 2017

Art: Organic and Geometric Patterns

Kindergarten girls worked on adding two new pieces to their quilt paintings using organic and geometric patterns. They also started using their sketchbooks and invented patterns of their own.

When I think of fall...

When you think of fall, what comes to mind?  Your daughters have been listening to various  read alouds about the fall season and made an entry in their storybooks about their favorite part of fall.  Mrs. McMahon's class used an anchor chart to help to enhance their pictures.

Several girls got a chance to sit in our Author's Chair and share their work.

Both classes have been working on ordinal numbers in math.

In science, the girls are loving our butterfly unit.  They are making Monarch butterfly books...

...and creating the different stages of the butterfly cycle out of Model Magic.

We had another parent reader this week.

Today, the girls got a chance to browse the books in our fairy tale book bin in our library.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

More fall fun, ordinal numbers, and butterflies

Both kindergarten classes listened to different stories about fall.  Then each class brainstormed their favorite parts of the fall season.  The girls are going to use their ideas for a new entry in their storybooks.

In math, we began learning about ordinal numbers.  Mrs. Martin's class learned a fun song about the ordinals numbers.

Mrs. McMahon's girls began ordering different math manipulatives.

In science, the girls are continuing to learn the different stages of butterflies.  Below, the girls are making the egg and caterpillar stages out of Model Magic.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Fall poem fun and special visitors

We are embracing the fall season in our kindergarten room.  Today, the girls learned a new poem about leaves then acted out the poem using scarves.

We had special visitors from the first grade come in and read to us a poem that they have been working on during their reader's theater.

To end our day, the girls enjoyed reading with their third grade buddies.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Math and Fall Birthdays

In math, Mrs. Martin's class continued to work with 10 frames and writing their numbers...

...while Mrs. McMahon's class focused on "more and less."  The girls rolled a die twice, built two structures based on the numbers they rolled, then labeled which structure was more and which had less.

We celebrated our fall birthdays today!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Caterpillars and Parent Reader

Mrs. Caruso stopped by our classroom this morning to teach the girls a new app--My Story.  The girls will be using this app to document and journal the life journey of our caterpillars.

We also have been talking about the concept of more and fewer during math class.  Here is Mrs. Martin's class in action!

We also had another parent read this afternoon!

Monday, September 18, 2017

Visit to the Head of School

The kindergarteners took a quick walk up the hill to visit our new Head of School, Sue Sadler.  The girls listened to a story and then got a chance to sing a special song.  Be sure to check out the shoutthelovebms Instagram page!

Friday, September 15, 2017

Art: Shapes and Arrangements

Kindergarten girls have begun making painted quilts in art. They practiced drawing and naming geometric shapes and arranging shapes touching, floating, overlapping, and inside each other. Girls chose a shape to repeat using paint and they will add onto their "quilt" with a variety of other art materials!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017


We brought the entire kindergarten together to discuss our second core value, cooperation. We read Swimmy and talked about how all of the fish needed to cooperate in order to chase away the big fish. Then the girls were paired up with a friend from the other class and had to cooperate and build a tower made out of playdough and toothpicks.  

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Hopes and Dreams, More Science, & a Parent Reader

For the past two days, the girls have been talking about reasons they come to school and what they want to learn this year in kindergarten.  Today, the girls drew their hopes and dreams for our school year.  Some hopes were "make a new friend" and "learn how to read."  Be sure to ask your daughter what her hope was!

Mrs. McMahon's class got their chance to become scientists today. First, the girls brainstormed what scientists do.  Then the girls went outside to observe nature around them.  Ask your daughter what she observed today!

Mrs. Martin's class explored writing numbers with shaving cream.

We had our first parent reader today!

Monday, September 11, 2017

Handwriting, math, and science observations

The girls had an extremely busy Monday; we are so excited to have them for a whole five days of school this week!

Mrs. McMahon's girls practiced correctly forming the numbers 1-3 in shaving cream--our room smelled very clean for the first hour 😊

In math, we focused on the word "more."  The girls played number BINGO where they rolled a die and then added one more to the number they rolled.  Finally they covered that number on their board...

...while Mrs. Martin's class were introduced to ten frames.

Mrs. Martin's class also became scientists; they went to our Science Center and were introduced to Mrs. Miyasaki (who graciously introduced the girls to her menagerie). Afterwards, the girls took their iPads outside and quietly observed the nature around them. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Story Books

The girls wrote about their favorite part of school in their story books this morning.  Make sure you grab their books at Parent Night and check out what your daughter looks forward to every day!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Math and a Special Reader

Today in math, the girls continued to develop their number sense as they sequenced numbers, worked on one-to-one correspondence, and practiced writing their numbers.

During our designated parent reader slot, we had a very special guest reader, Mrs. Laurie Vennes, new Head of Lower School!