Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Welcome to our kindergarten blog! We will use this space to post many of the wonderful activities we enjoy in our classroom. Check back regularly for pictures and anecdotes from our busy and fun-filled days.

We have had a wonderful start to the year!  The girls have been busy getting to know each other through games, songs, special friends, and structured play time. We are practicing our first value for the year, cooperation. The girls must cooperate each and every day to complete projects, to play games on the playground, and to clean up when needed. They are doing a wonderful job and have earned their first value sticker for their daisy. We hope that by the end of the year there will be a Bryn Mawr value on each and every daisy petal!

The arrival of some cool fall weather has been so inviting that we have enjoyed exploring the Bryn Mawr campus. There are so many interesting buildings, flowers, and trees - not to mention the BIG girls! We will continue to explore the campus throughout the year as it changes with the seasons.

We are so excited that our Monarch caterpillars have arrived! The eggs arrived late last week and they hatched over the weekend. There are now about 10 baby caterpillars on our milkweed plant and they are getting bigger every day. As scientists we are practicing our predicting, observing, and recording skills. We can't wait to see what happens to our caterpillars!