Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Catching Up

February may be the shortest month of the year, yet we somehow manage to pack quite a lot of activity into our time together! We have been busy celebrating several birthdays, Presidents Day, Valentine's Day and our 100th day of school. Enjoy some pictures of our classroom adventures!

We decorated bags to hold all of our Valentine goodies:

We exchanged our Valentines and thanked each of our friends for the special notes. So much love!

We had a scavenger hunt to find 100 daisies. It took all day, but we finally found them all!

We made 100th Day hats - 10 stickers on 10 strips of paper = 100 stickers

We organized our 100 things by groups of 10. It was such fun to see the many creative collections of 100. Thank you for helping your daughters create their collections!

We raced to 100 and complete 100 chart puzzles:

What fun to celebrate the February holidays!

This morning we enjoyed a special visit from Ms. Nothstein. She read two wonderful stories, including Tikki Tikki Tembo by Arlene Mosel. Ask your daughter if she can remember his full name - it is quite a tongue twister!