Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Short Vowel a and I Believe Bracelets

Mrs. McMahon's language arts time was dedicated to the short a vowel sound.  The girls sang our short a song (be sure to ask them to sing it to you) then we read a book together as a class which focused on this sound.  The girls highlighted all of the words in the book that contained the short a sound--ask them to read it to you tonight!
During Mrs. McMahon's Writer's Workshop time, in preparation for Grandparents' Day, we read Amelia Bedelia's First Apple Pie.  We shared our class pen and brainstormed a list of words that reminded us of our grandparents. As each girl came up to write her word on our list, her fellow students sounded out and wrote that word on their individual white boards. We completed the activity by returning to our seats to make our own list of words that reminded us of our grandparents.

During social studies, Mrs. Martin's class focused on the reasons why the pilgrims left England.  The girls made "I Believe" bracelets.  Be sure to ask your daughter the meaning behind her beautiful bracelet!
Mrs. Martin's math time was spent making numbers using sets of ten out of unifix cubes.  The girls all enjoyed this activity and are gaining a better understanding of the number 10 and counting by 10's.