Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Catching Up with Kindergarten

We have been so busy in our classroom this past week, that we thought we needed to catch everyone up! Be sure to ask your daughters for more information about our activities.

Mrs. Martin's class has been reading a poem called, "What Animals Say".  They have found rhyming words, illustrated different parts, and even acted it out.

Mrs. McMahon's class was introduced to inferencing and used clues to make an educated guess of what was in our Mystery Box.  Ask your daughter what was in it!

They were introduced to the "sh" digraph.  We have sorted pictures and started a class poster full of "sh" words.  The girls also listened to Old Shell, New Shell, where they had to signal when they heard a "sh" digraph and then made inferences about how the main character felt.

Lastly, both classes have been working on many different language arts projects: Mrs. Martin's class has been working with verbs and adjectives, Mrs. McMahon's class was working on their reading strategies, and both classes have been LOVING our final read aloud, Charlotte's Web.